

You have many options to donate to St. Paul Church. Note that some options are free while others require us to pay a certain percentage of your donation in transaction fees. Please keep this in mind as you consider which method you want to use. Here are your options and how much each option costs us:

  1. [FREE] Bank BillPay – Your bank allows you to create one-time or recurring payments using their website. To use this option, log in to your bank website, select BillPay, and indicate that you want to donate to:

    St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church
    5050 Highway 6 North
    Houston, TX 77084

    This option will automatically mail a check to our P.O. Box.

  2. [FREE] Simply mail us a handwritten check to the address above. Please do not mail cash.
  3. [FREE] Bring your check or cash to church weekly and place it in the donation box.
  4. [COSTS 1% + $0.25] Online donation using the direct bank-to-bank transfer (ACH). In the form below, select “ACH Bank Transfer.” You may set up one-time or recurring donations and can cancel at any time.
  5. [COSTS 2.9% + $0.30] Online donation using credit or debit card. In the form below, select “Credit/Debit Card.” You may set up one-time or recurring donations and can cancel at any time.